Why join the BNIA?

1. Free Stuff, plus Discounts!

We provide you with a FREE BNIA cottager’s map upon joining the Association (additional copies, $20). In addition, your BNIA membership includes membership in the Georgian Bay Association, which offers member discounts on insurance (15%) and defibrillators (20%). See here for more information on GBA member discounts: See here for more information on discounts.

2. Fire Preparedness and Response

We provide education and promote fire safety awareness, to help cottagers prepare for and respond to fire emergencies. As there is no public fire department serving Bayfield and Nares Inlets, we help coordinate a volunteer First Responder system. We also publicize Fire Ratings updates for the Township throughout the summer season.

3. Medical First Response

We help organize a team of local emergency First Responder volunteers who get you from your cottage to the dock (and an ambulance) when you dial 9-1-1. They have first aid training and experience, plus vital equipment like heart defibrillators, provided by the BNIA.

4. Summertime Fun

We organize an annual regatta, marathon canoe race and sailing race, plus a series of summer outings and events on environmental, history, nature and craft themes. Get to know your cottage neighbours!

5. Member Directory

We communicate to members via a printed Directory, winter and spring newsletters, and social media. The directory includes a current list of members’ names and addresses and island numbers, including yours. You can also access the live member’s directory online, via your personal login to this website!

6. Communications

We regularly send you our own communications plus those from other organizations concerned with the welfare of the Bay, especially the Georgian Bay Association’s GBA Update newsletter, three times per year. Examples here.

7. Environmental Updates

We keep you informed on a variety of topics, such as zoning, environmental issues (water quality, water levels and invasive species), and services (garbage and emergency help).

8. Your Voice and Vote

You get a vote and the opportunity to express your opinion at the AGM in mid-summer.

9. Lobbying Government

Through the Georgian Bay Association, we provide information to various government and regulatory agencies on topics that affect you. These include addressing issues of water quality and quantity, invasive species such as Asian carp and phragmites, energy provision and more.

10. Working for Georgian Bay

We represent the area and work with other cottagers’ associations under the umbrella of the Georgian Bay Association. You will be part of a group with a strong voice in governments at all levels.