Waste and Recycling

Large Item Disposal Day, twice per summer in Bayfield Inlet, see below.


As always, you can take your cottage waste to one of two nearby transfer stations, or to the Site 9 landfill site (for larger waste items and construction waste) on Highway 69, with varying hours of operation. See below, or consult the Township website for complete details and up-to-date hours.

Pre-sort your Waste

What is acceptable as waste at the facilities listed below? See the simplified list below. A complete guide can be found here. Pre-sort your waste as follows:

  1. Garbage (everything not included below, but not large or hazardous items, construction waste or brush)
  2. Recyclable fibres (cardboard, newspaper, paper, cartons)
  3. Recyclable containers (cans, bottles, plastics)

Use clear plastic bags

It’s mandatory that all garbage and recyclables be in CLEAR, PLASTIC BAGS, for safety and to verify what’s inside. (Open recycling containers are also acceptable.)

Waste disposal pass

At any of the facilities listed below (including the Parry Sound Transfer Station), you may be required to present your Township of the Archipelago Waste Disposal Pass. Don’t have a pass? You can apply for one here. Digital passes are also available.

Summer Hours *

DayPointe au Baril Transfer StationBayfield Inlet Transfer StationSite 9 Landfill (see below)
Sun8 am–8 pm8 am–8 pmClosed
Mon8 am–8 pm8 am–noon8 am–5 pm
Tues8 am–8 pmClosedClosed
Wed8 am–8 pm8 am–noon8 am–5 pm
Thurs8 am–8 pmClosedClosed
Fri8 am–8 pmClosed8 am–5 pm
Sat8 am–8 pmClosed8 am–5 pm

* Victoria Day to Thanksgiving — for winter hours go here

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste in NOT accepted at either Transfer Station or at the Site 9 landfill. You can take hazardous waste to the Parry Sound Transfer Station at 57 MacFarlane Street (just south of downtown and Tower Hill). What is included in hazardous waste? See here.

Site 9 landfill

The Site 9 landfill, located about five kilometres south of Pointe au Baril on the west side of Highway 69, accepts regular garbage and recyclables, plus the following items (none of which can be left at the Transfer Stations):

Some items may require payment for disposal at Site 9 — only debit and PayPal transfers are now accepted, NO CASH. More details about items and payments are here.

Re-use your unwanted large items!

Site 9 also accepts RE-USE items — i.e. you can leave working items like appliance or furniture, so that someone else can give them a second life, instead of throwing them away.

Large Item Disposal Days

There are two Sundays every summer, in late June and on the August long weekend, when you can conveniently leave large items at the Bayfield Government Dock for free (rather than transporting it yourself to the Site 9 Landfill and paying a fee). See the calendar for this year’s dates. Here’s a quick guide to what you can and can’t leave at the dock on those two special days.

Acceptable large items for disposal:

Unacceptable items for disposal:

Note: The Large Item Disposal drop off is for boats only; you can’t drop off items with a vehicle. There is no equivalent program for Nares residents who don’t want to boat to Bayfield on large item days. However, disposal fees for large items taken to Site 9 will be waived on those days.