Send us up to THREE of your best photos of 2024 and you could be on the cover of next year’s BNIA directory (and you could win a free membership for 2025)!
Contest is open to BNIA members, either adults or children, and their families (one entry per membership) who have paid their dues for 2024
Submit only photos that were taken in 2024
Subject is whatever represents island life best for you, be it landscapes, cottage life, boating, wildlife, people, or whatever
Hint: if your photo is a sunset/sunrise (we receive a LOT of those) include some other unique subject matter to help it stand out from the crowd
Contest will be judged by a group of three BNIA board members and the winners announced in 2025
How to submit:
We favour vertical photos for the contest (so we can fit them on the Yearbook cover), or horizontal photos that can be cropped on the sides.
Send your original photos at full resolution to with “BNIA photos 2024” in the subject line.
Along with the photo(s) please include:
BNIA member name or civic number that you’re connected to
your name
the photo location(s) and date(s)
your age
the names of anyone in the photo (please obtain their consent)
Submit up to three photos per entry, but ONLY ONE entry per BNIA member
By entering the contest, you grant the BNIA right to publish your photo(s) in BNIA publications or on its website, and to publish your name in credits.
Deadline: Sunday, Sept. 8, 2024
2023 Photo Contest winner!
Alex Bovkis photo
We had a great response to the 2023 photo contest call — 17 members submitted 42 photos. The winning entry is above, by Alex Bovkis of Bayfield Inlet. It‘s on the cover of the 2024 Directory and Yearbook. Do you recognize the spot? Those sailboats are docked at Thompson Marine, leaving Bayfield Inlet. We loved the novel composition, the water reflections and the sense of approaching dusk. It’s a sunset photo but far from a cliché!
Thanks very much to the following people who also submitted photos to the 2023 contest: Alison Wilkin, Ally O’Grady, Kate Cino, Kirk Gabel, Krista Pedersen, Liz Janik, Matt Sanger, Mindy Grant, Penny McCahill, Randy Hansuld, Ruth Anne Winter, Stephen Bushell, Susan Buckley / Morgan Smith, Susan Gordon, Susan Weber, Tiffany Hassell.
The three judges of the 2023 contest were BNIA Board Members Sara Carter, Ethan Ellis and Art Kilgour.