The BNIA board has decided that it would be prudent to postpone the Annual General Meeting, normally held the last weekend in July, and instead hold it virtually, as we did last year, in mid-October at a date and time to be determined.
Furthermore, given what we know – or don’t know – at this point in time, we have also decided that it is best that we cancel this summer’s Regatta.These are very regrettable decisions; however, we trust you understand that they were made after much thought and with the health and safety of everyone in mind.But all is not lost.
Your BNIA Boating Committee will be launching an exciting summer-long Safe Boating messaging campaign and contest. Stay tuned for details. We are also exploring some fun outdoor activities that can be staged and enjoyed, all while observing social distancing and other protocols in affect.
More information will follow by way of Facebook, Instagram, our web site, and further eblasts such as this.Whatever the summer may bring, please stay safe and stay well.
— BNIA President John McMullen