Fire Rating and Burning Guidelines

Current fire rating

Click flames for the Township of the Archipelago’s current fire rating:

Outdoor burning guidelines

Our township continually monitors the state of the forests in our area. It posts an ongoing fire rating online and on signage, which specifies when outdoor burning (including campfires) is allowed. Note: daytime open fires are not allowed under any circumstance, because fires can spread more easily during the day. Campfires are only allowed during evening hours under the low, medium and high ratings (and only for campers when the rating is high).

Campfires and cottagers

Check and ensure that you and your guests follow the open air burning restrictions shown above and posted online here, and on road signage in Pointe au Baril, and on Hwy 529A near the Bayfield Transfer Station. Under conditions where open fires are permitted, they are always restricted to evening hours only, 6 pm to 2 am.

When the fire rating is high:


Fireworks are permitted from 6 pm to 11 pm on Victoria Day, Canada Day, Independence Day (US), and one day before and after each of these days. Even on these days, fireworks are prohibited if the rating is high or extreme. On all other days of the year, fireworks are prohibited.

The use of sky lanterns and firecrackers is prohibited at all times. For complete regulations, see By-law 2017-21 or contact the Township of the Archipelago By-law department at 705-746-4243 Ext. 325.