There’s much truth to the saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” particularly when seconds matter. Develop a fire emergency plan, practice and review it with those using your cottage. Here are some tips to consider when developing your plan.
The Township has provided all islanders with a civic address sign to prominently display on your dock. Ensure that all visitors to your property know your island number. Our BNIA Directory has a tear-off listing of emergency numbers on on the back cover. Write your civic address at the bottom and post the list in a prominent spot.
Consult the BNIA Fire Pump Map to locate your neighbours who own fire pumps. To update your own fire pump listing online, go here. This is how you can ”show“ your fire pump status on the online map.
Work with your neighbours, including those who have and don’t have fire pumps. Together, devise a plan so that in case of fire, you can execute immediately. Your plan should include agreements regarding supporting each other and for contacting other islanders for additional support.
Program contact information for neighbours and Bayfield Nares First Responders in your phone for quick access. Post this information prominently in your cottage and review it with visitors (again, see the back flap of the Directory).
Store your pump on a flat surface near the water’s edge, ensuring that the intake hose can reach clear water. Position the hose for easy uncoiling and ensure the nozzle can be attached immediately. Keep your pump full of gas and have additional gas at-the-ready. Identify who on your property is able to start and operate your pump. Regularly start the pump to ensure it is working properly, and practice using it. Mechanics at our three marinas (Thompson Marine, Bayfield Boat Club, Nares Landing) can service your fire pump.
Whether or not you have a pump, ensure quick and easy access to a connected garden hose and a good supply large buckets. These are the quickest way to respond to a small fire before it grows out of control.
Get low and get out. Leave your belongings. Stop, drop and roll if your clothes are on fire. Stay well clear of any flammable gas or liquid containers, particularly propane. Execute your plan. Never re-enter a burning building.
Engage immediately. We are each other’s fire department. If you’re able, bring your pump, your buckets and notify others. Don’t underestimate the value of a multi-pronged approach – pumps and a bucket-brigade. Focus efforts on saving property, trees and accessory buildings, not a burning building. Direct fire-fighting efforts to surrounding ground and trees to avoid spread.