Humans cause more than half of all wildland fires in Canada. And all it takes is a spark. Please consider and share the following campfire safety tips with family, friends and tenants, remembering that you are your only fire department.
Check and follow open air burning restrictions posted here and on road signage in Pointe au Baril and on Hwy 529A near the Bayfield Transfer Station.
Even if the fire rating allows for open fires, never build a campfire when the weather is windy as sparks carry easily to surrounding brush and trees.
Choose an open area, ensuring that it and nearby crevices are clear of brush, leaves, needles and grass. Ideally, build campfires in fire pits.
Keep campfires to a manageable size of no more than 1 metre (3 feet) high by 1 metre (3 feet) in diameter.
Use kindling rather than flammable liquids to start a fire. Keep all combustible materials, including extra wood, at least 5 metres (15 feet) away from the campfire.
Never leave a campfire unattended. Ensure that a responsible adult is monitoring the campfire at all times.
Keep plenty of water and a shovel nearby to douse the fire. Once water has been applied, stir the wet ashes and douse again with water, ensuring that there is no life left in the flames and that the ground including nearby crevices is cool and moist.
Have a list on hand of Emergency Responders and neighbours to contact for help or additional fire pumps. Do not call 911 and do not call the Township of the Archipelago, as they do not provide fire protection services.